How old do I have to be to test drive at a CarMax in California?

How old do I have to be to test drive at a CarMax in California?

In order to test drive a car from CarMax in California, you must be at least 18 years old. You will need to present a valid driver's license in order to be approved for the test drive. The license must be valid in the state of California, and must have your current address listed. The staff at CarMax will also check your insurance information before allowing you to take the car out on the road. You will also need to provide a valid form of payment in order to cover any damages that may occur during the test drive. By taking these steps, you are ensuring that you are of legal age and can safely drive the vehicle.

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Why would a car dealership charge for a test drive?

Why would a car dealership charge for a test drive?

Test drives are an important part of car buying, allowing potential customers to experience the vehicle and make a more informed decision. However, some car dealerships charge a fee for a test drive. This fee may be used to cover the cost of insurance, fuel, or to cover an employee's time to accompany the customer on the test drive. In some cases, the fee may be waived if the customer purchases a vehicle from the dealership. Ultimately, the fee for a test drive is to cover the costs of the dealership and to ensure a safe experience for the customer.

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